Saturday, August 21, 2010

family photos

a few weeks ago we went downtown GR to have some family pics taken (while we had everyone in town!) we had our friend sara jager take them and they turned out so awesome! these are two pics that i just love! my mom has a picture of us when we were young on our stomachs just like this and she thought it would be cute to have one of us now so she can put them side by side. after some grumbling we got on our tummys and sara got this shot! i don't know how but sara got my brother joe to smile and that doesn't happen too often, not that big of a smile anyway!
the grandkids...


  1. How adorable!!! All of you big kids and then the little ones. It doesn't get much cuter that that!! Can't wait to see the rest.

  2. So cute, J! Love them... especially the girls' bows in their hair.
