Wednesday, October 27, 2010

happy birthday little man!

wow! can't believe our little man is 1! we didn't really get a chance to celebrate it today, but we will hopefully get to on sunday. it is 9:30 right now and i have cameron on the floor next to me. i kind of have a feeling he really does know it is his birthday and he is trying to get away with staying up late (he is in bed by 8 usually)...well cam it is working! how can let your baby cry on their birthday?
happy birthday cam! we love you.


  1. aww! Happy Birthday Cam! What a cutie you are!
    We tried calling a couple times... we'll have to try again soon!

  2. How sweet! Thank the Lord for such a happy 1 year old and for the joy Cameron is to all of us. Happy birthday little buddy!
